Peer Review

All manuscripts must be submitted via the LJH submission portal on the UG Journal Management System ( LJH has a process where any submitted manuscript is first screened internally by the editorial team. If the submission is not a good fit for the journal, it can be rejected at this point and will not proceed to the peer review stage. The author may be given some feedback about which outlets might be a better fit and some initial comments for improving the quality of the manuscript. Other details taken into consideration during the initial screening include correct language usage, avoidance of plagiarism and compliance with the LJH Author Guidelines (available on the journal’s website). It is important to note that papers which do not adhere to the LJH instructions for authors will not be taken into consideration for publication. Manuscripts that successfully go through the internal review process are then anonymized and assigned to two peer reviewers with relevant expertise for a double-blind peer review. The duration from the time of submission to acceptance/rejection and publication of a manuscript depends on how quickly the editors obtain quality reviews from reviewers. Difficulties in finding peer reviewers in the research area(s) of the study may also lead to a rejection of a manuscript by the editors. The final decision on publishing an article is taken by the editorial board.

Initial manuscript evaluation LJH has a process where any submitted manuscript is first screened internally by the editorial team. If the submission is not a good fit for the journal, it can be rejected at this point and will not proceed to the peer review stage. The author may be given some feedback about which outlets might be a better fit and some initial comments for improving the quality of the manuscript. Other details taken into consideration during the initial screening include correct language usage, avoidance of plagiarism and compliance with the LJH Author Guidelines (available on the journal’s website). It is important to note that papers which do not adhere to the LJH instructions for authors will not be taken into consideration for publication.

Manuscripts that successfully go through the internal review process are then anonymized and assigned to two peer reviewers with relevant expertise for a double-blind peer review. Authors of manuscripts rejected at the Initial manuscript evaluation stage will usually be informed within two weeks of receipt of the submission.

Type of peer review

The Legon Journal of the Humanities employs ‘double blind’ reviewing. The reviewers are anonymous to the author(s) during and after the refereeing process. Likewise, the identity of the author(s) is unknown to the reviewers.

How reviewers are selected
The Legon Journal of the Humanities  strives to match reviewers to the submissions according to their expertise. The reviewer database of LJH is frequently updated. Persons who are interested in serving as reviewers for the journal should send an email to the Editor, together with their updated CVs.

Review reports
Reviewers are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript:
 Is original with reference to contents and method
 Is methodologically sound
 Clearly presents results which support the conclusions
 Appropriately and exhaustively references previous relevant work
 Adheres to appropriate ethical guidelines, especially as concerns plagiarism
 Noticeably adds to the knowledge and development of the research area

Specifically, papers submitted are assessed in these areas:
1. Overall general academic merit
2. Theoretical grounding in the relevant and current literature
3. Critical engagement with existing literature has clearly brought out the gap to be filled by the paper, thereby ensuring its extension of the frontiers of knowledge in the paper’s field
4. Currency of pertinent cited works
5. Quality of argumentation and reasoning
6. Sophistication in language usage and expression
7. Technical aspects (i.e., crafting of abstract and key words, respect of journal’s house style, and APA documentation model, etc.)

Although the peer review process does not include language correction, reviewers are encouraged to suggest corrections of language and style to the paper. In the final round, the handling Editor will check issues of linguistic and stylistic correctness, and may return the manuscript to the author(s) for a full linguistic and stylistic revision.

How long does the review process take?
The duration from the time of submission to acceptance/rejection and publication of a manuscript depends on how quickly the editors obtain quality reviews from reviewers. However, the typical time for the first round of the refereeing process for the Legon Journal of the Humanities is approximately 6 weeks, with a maximum of three months.

In situations where the reviewers’ reports contradict one another or a report is unnecessarily delayed, a further expert opinion may be sought. Once both review reports are received by the handling Editor, a decision will be sent to the author together with the reviewers’ recommendations. Revised manuscripts are usually sent to the (initial) reviewers for checking. There may be the need for a second round of revision by the author. There are sometimes rare situations when the Editorial Team encounters extreme difficulties in finding a second reviewer to review the manuscript.

In such cases, the report from the available reviewer may guide the Editor to reach a decision on the manuscript if the extant report has thoroughly convinced the handling Editor. This may be done at the discretion of the Editor of LJH, on the basis of only one reviewer report. Difficulties in finding peer reviewers in the research area(s) of the study may also lead to a rejection of a manuscript by the editors.

Final report
A final decision to accept, reject or ask the author for a revision will be sent to the author together with the reviewers’ recommendations and any relevant attachments.

Final decision
Reviewers advise the Editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article.

Becoming a reviewer for the Legon Journal of the Humanities
If you would like to be a reviewer for the Legon Journal of the Humanities please contact the editorial office at

Why should you be a peer reviewer?
The benefits of being a peer reviewer include the opportunity for you to:
• Participate in the development of your field
• Remain conversant with new trends in your field
• Improve your research and writing abilities
• Collaborate with journal editors which may then provide the opening for you to receive an invitation to join an editorial board
• Gain knowledge of the publication process
• Earn recognition for your contribution as a peer reviewer
• Contribute to the upholding of quality control measures of the research in your field

Reviewer guidelines
The LJH follows the COPE Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers

Authors who wish to withdraw their submissions should contact the Editor at Papers which are close to the end of the peer review process cannot be retracted.

Note on reviewing of Special issues and Conference Proceedings.
Different peer review procedures may apply to Special Issues and Conference Proceedings. These cases may involve guest editors, conference organizers, or scientific committees, who all report to the handling Editor and ultimately, the Chief Editor.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

1. CREATIVE COMMON LICENSE Attribution-Noncommercial- Noderivates 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

2. ACCESS AND ATTRIBUTION Published papers (new and archived) of the Legon Journal of the Humanities (LJH) can be freely downloaded from its website in compliance with its gratis open access policy. Citation of a paper from LJH should include name of quoted author, journal title, volume, number, title of paper, page, year of publication, and Digital Object Identifier (DOI)/Uniform Resource Locator(URL).

3. COPYRIGHT The copyright of all papers published in Legon Journal of the Humanities is vested in the College of Humanities, University of Ghana. By agreeing to publish the accepted version of the paper in LJH, potential authors automatically cede copyright of the manuscript to the College of Humanities, University of Ghana. This notwithstanding, authors may use parts of their published articles for non-commercial purposes, e.g., course material, conferences, and online academic profile.

Publication Scheduling

Two issues per year.

Focus and Scope

Founded in 1974, Legon Journal of the Humanities (LJH) is a peer-reviewed periodical published by the College of Humanities, University of Ghana. LJH welcomes the following types of contributions in the humanities from scholars in all countries: 

  1. research articles 
  2. reviews of new and particularly noteworthy books and films
  3. interviews with distinguished writers, filmmakers, and scholars

The journal is devoted to the study of the humanities, operationally conceptualized to cover not just the arts and languages but also social science disciplines, such as cultural studies, human geography, international affairs, management studies, political science, psychology, and sociology. The journal occasionally publishes theme-based issues, coordinated by guest editors. For such editions, a call for papers (CFP) is announced in a preceding issue of the journal and/or through listserv/mail shots. 

For all its issues, LJH only publishes original contributions (i.e., papers that have not been published elsewhere) and therefore, disapproves of duplicate publication and multiple submissions of the same paper to different publication outlets.  In consonance with best academic practices, it equally takes a very dim view of the illegitimate direct replication of material in the form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. The Editorial Board will not only ban authors of plagiarized material from any subsequent association with the journal, but also bring any breach of intellectual property rights to the attention of the contributor’s institution.

The language of publication is English. As of Vol. 26, LJH will be published online twice a year as a gratis open access journal.  

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. Will the quality of LJH not deteriorate on account of the online migration?

    No. Papers published in the online editions of the journal will be subjected to the same rigorous quality control process as the traditionally printed issues. In other words, LJH remains a refereed journal that subjects all manuscripts to ethical scrutiny and the double-blind peer review process.
  2. Will the list of reviewers be published at the end of each volume?

    No, as the journal’s application of the double-blind peer review principle precludes the divulgence, however minimal, of the identity of reviewers.

  3. Will reviews (books/films) and interviews also be subjected to the double-blind procedure?

    No. However, they will all be critically evaluated by specialists to determine their suitability for publication.

  4. Can I make simultaneous submissions to Legon Journal of the Humanities (LJH)?

    Yes, but should all such papers receive favorable verdicts from reviewers, it is only one that can be published in an issue. Besides, the journal does not publish articles by the same author in back-to-back issues. For these reasons, a contributor’s multiple accepted papers can only be published in interspersed issues of the journal.

  5. Can my article and film review be published in the same issue of LJH?

    No, the two can only be published separately in different issues of the journal.  

  6. I have just interviewed an outstanding academic. Can this interview and my paper, already accepted for publication, be published in the same issue of LJH?

    No. They can only be published in different issues.
  7. How many articles will be published in an online issue of LJH?

    Between seven (7) and fifteen (15), depending on the number of accepted refereed papers.

  8. What are the submission and processing fees charged by LJH?

    LJH does not charge any fees, whatsoever, for submission and processing.

  9. Are there deadlines for the submission of papers to LJH?

    There is normally no deadline as submissions are always welcome by the journal. However, the editor gives contributors deadlines for the return of revised manuscripts prior to the issuance of letters of acceptance. Further, guest editors of theme-based issues, in the Call for Papers (CFP), set timelines for the submission of abstracts, proposals, contributions, and corrected manuscripts as well as other tasks.

  10. How long does the review process take?

    The review process may take between 2 to 6 months. The amount of time it       takes   to provide feedback on submissions is normally determined by       reviewers’ availability and/or the need to seek another opinion in case of         divergent reports from preceding evaluators.

  11. Can I electronically monitor the progress of my paper under review?

    Not at the moment.  However, by the end of 2018, the journal expects to provide a tracking platform on its website for authors to generate status reports on their contributions.

  12. Does LJH publish papers that incorporate both the humanities and pure science?

    Yes. As a matter of fact, sub-branches of many disciplines in the humanities (archaeology, geography, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, etc.) either have an exact science component or use the scientific method.

  13. Does LJH accept co-authored papers?

    Yes, since the journal does not discriminate between single-authored and multiple-authored papers.

  14. When will LJH be indexed?

    LJH is already indexed in Modern Languages Association database. LJH has also started the process of getting the abstracts and descriptors of its articles to be indexed and cited in electronic databases, such as Scopus, Open Journal Systems (OPS), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ASAOnline (Leiden), CLOCKSS, and CAB Abstracts.  By mid-2018, it is anticipated that abstracts and descriptors of LJH articles will be indexed in some of these databases.

  15. Is it truly possible for reviewers to consider a manuscript publishable in its current form?

    Yes. Although most reviewers submit reports recommending minor or substantial modifications to manuscripts as a condition for publication, it is still possible for even three reviewers to agree on the impeccability of a submission. In other words, though a very rare occurrence, the “perfect” manuscript is still writable.

  16. Does LJH accept conference proceedings for publication?

    Yes, but only as a theme-based, guest-edited, and refereed issue.

  17. Does LJH accept conference papers for publication?

    Yes, once a paper has not been submitted and will not be submitted for potential publication in conference proceedings, it can be sent to the journal for review.
  18. How many interviews are publishable in an issue of LJH?

    Maximum of three (3)

  19. How many book and film reviews can LJH publish in one issue?

    Maximum of ten (10)

  20. Can I use weblogs, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media platforms as sources in a “serious” academic paper submitted to LJH?

    Yes. It bears noting that social media provide a credible platform and an increasingly inevitable site for the generation, dissemination, and sharing of knowledge in our Information/Digital Age.

  21. What is the role of the LJH Advisory Board?

    Members of the Advisory Board:
    help the Editorial Board in the formulation of policy and also offer   contributions towards the journal's sustainability, positive transformation, and compliance with international best practices
    assist the editorial board in shaping the intellectual direction of the journal

  22. Where can I find the journal’s guide for contributors?

    On the journal’s webpage:
  23. Whom shall I contact if I do not find my question on the FAQ list?
    The journal’s editor:

Sources of Support

  • Institutional Funds; Sale of hard copies

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2458-746X
print ISSN: 0855-1502
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