Women especially those in bondage in the lower Niger in the nineteenthcentury portrayed an interesting ramification of the all-pervading Atlanticslave trade. Female slavery in the region was quite palpable andunderscores the ways African cultures of polygyny and gender division ofroles influenced the slavery institution in the continent. African polygynousslavers appeared to have been very reluctant to resell female slaves whenthey were acquired and, as a result, women were in the majority among thebondage population in many parts of Africa though not easily perceivable.This is because female slaves were usually integrated into families as wivesor concubines in the region. They were valued for their productive andreproductive capacities, which were both crucial in the creation of newwealth from the flourishing palm oil business in this basin during thenineteenth century. It is shown in this paper that while traditional genderdivision of roles, reserved palm oil production and commercialization in thisregion for women it also prevented them from controlling the wealth thatthey created. The article concludes by stressing the fact that despite thisunfavourable practice the plight of Niger basin female slaves appeared notto have been terribly irksome.