Lexikos is the official journal of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX). The aim of Lexikos is to create a vehicle for national and international discussion of lexicography, and in particular to serve lexicography in Africa with its rich variety of languages; – to stimulate discourse between lexicographers as well as between lexicographers and linguists; – to establish and promote contact with local and foreign lexicographic projects; – to focus general attention on the interdisciplinary nature of lexicography, which also involves fields such as linguistics, general linguistics, lexicology, computer science, management, etc.; – to further and coordinate cooperation in all fields of lexicography; and – to promote the aims of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX). Impact Factor: Lexikos is ISI-rated by Thompson Reuters on their various indexes, namely Arts and Humanities Citation Index®, Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities, Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, Social Sciences Citation Index®, and Social Scisearch® The Impact Factor of Lexikos in the Linguistics category with their latest rankings was 0.667. Lexikos is furthermore indexed on Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography Online, Linguistics Abstracts Online, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA International Bibliography & R.R.K. Hartmann's Bibliography of Lexicography.
Other websites related to this journal: http://lexikos.journals.ac.za
Current Issue: Vol. 33 No. 1 (2023)
Published: 2023-10-23