The central question posed in this contribution is: What constitutes the difference between a special-field dictionary article giving a cross-reference with a fixed textual reference position on the one hand, and a special-field dictionary article giving a cross-reference without a fixed reference position on the other, with regard to systematic cross-referencing? Because this very special type of question can only be answered systematically with reference to a theory of the mediostructure, some necessary terms are firstly introduced by means of illustrative analyses of special-field dictionary articles giving cross-references, such as e.g. homogeneously externally orientated dictionary article, heterogeneously externally orientated dictionary article, item identifying the starting- point of the reference, item giving the reference, item giving a reference marker, mediostructural article network, the user’s pre-knowledge relevant to the reference, position-bound reference, item-bound reference, single and expanded domain for the starting-point for the reference, mediostructural selection and many more. On the basis of various analyses of different special-field dictionary articles with variable and fixed reference positions, a picture evolves which comes close to the situation where the question at the beginning of the contribution can be answered as follows: When the results of an appropriate mediostructural selection are presented by means of the application of the method of itembound reference in special-field dictionaries with a variable reference position, and also when this happens by means of the application of the method of position-bound reference in special-field dictionaries with a fixed reference position, it is possible in principle that a systematic reference orientated to the dictionary functions can result. It can continuously be established, however, that in special-field dictionary articles with a fixed reference position, there is a higher degree of wellconsidered reference practices. This can be explained in so far that, in special-field dictionary articles with a fixed reference position, the article form already takes into account a genuine feature of special-field knowledge which consists of being systematic coherent knowledge, and therefore a fixed reference position is provided, that means: not only defining and additional explanation is important in the formation of the article, but also the creation of connections which go beyond articles by means of references. Making references, therefore, is not a lexicographical action performed more or less concomitantly; rather, it obtains a relevant place because of being explicitly taken into account in the microstructural programme, and thus in the article form.
Keywords: special-field dictionary article giving a cross-reference; mediostructure; fixed reference position; variable reference position; mediostructural selection; item-bound reference; position-bound reference