The distinction between encyclopedic and semantic knowledge is well-known. The influential German metalexicographer, Wiegand, also identifies a third kind of knowledge, which he calls special-field object-constituting knowledge. It is precisely this kind of knowledge users need in order to know to which object a particular lexical item refers, otherwise they cannot use that lexical item referentially in communication. This article focuses on Konerding and Wiegand's (1994) discussion of frames and on their suggestions with regard to frame-based dictionary articles. Certain types of information are of great importance if the object-constituting knowledge is to be conveyed in dictionary articles. The article also investigates the possibilities of using frames in special-field lexicography. A sample article from an ethnomusicological database is presented in which the frame for artefacts, as worked out by Konerding, is applied and discussed. By means of frames, lexicographers can systematically ensure that the special-field object-constituting knowledge is indeed present in the articles they write.
Keywords: Special-field lexicography, frame theory, frames, learner's dictionaries, special-field encyclopedic dictionaries, special-field objectconstituting meaning knowledge, matrix frames, minimal frames, item classes, predicate classes