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Op soek na 'n adekwate linguistiese teorie vir die begronding van die leksikografieteorie en - praktyk - die kognitiewe grammatika as 'n moontlike alternatief

P.H. Swanepoel


English Title: In Search of an Adequate Linguistic Theory for Lexicographical Theory and Praxis - Cognitive Grammar as a Possible Alternative

English Abstract

Various researchers have suggested, and occasionally demonstrated, that cognitive grammar offers a more viable alternative for lexicography than most traditional and structuralist linguistic theories. This paper addresses a number of basic issues in this regard, viz. the role of linguistic theories in lexicography as a scientific praxis, the adequacy of linguistic theories from a lexicographical point of view and the adequacy and viability of cognitive grammar as one such alternative to traditional and structuralist linguistic theories.

Keywords: metalexicography, practical lexicography, theoretical adequacy, cognitive semantics, prototype theory, polysemy, lexicographical definitions, metaphor, metonymy, homonymy, synonymy, motivation

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-0039
print ISSN: 1684-4904