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Voorbeeldmateriaal in woordeboeke

F.J. Lombard


English Title: Usage Examples in Dictionaries

English Abstract

Usage examples can include citations, verbal illustrations and / or collocations and should contribute semantically, syntactically and pragmatically towards the way lemmas are presented in a given descriptive dictionary. To be as functional as possible, usage examples should meet certain criteria: they should represent real language and not a stylistic variant of language, they should meet the needs of the target-users of the dictionary, they must be easily understood and they should not be contentious. Citations may have certain deficiencies, but the benefits of a good syntactic component far outweigh these. Usage examples can successfully be employed in standard dictionaries, although their treatment in Afrikaans dictionaries leaves something to be desired.

Keywords: usage examples, citation, verbal illustration, collocation, semantic, syntactic, pragmatic, real language, target-user, comprehensibility, neutrality, decoding, encoding

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-0039
print ISSN: 1684-4904