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Key issues in Fuertes-Olivera and Tarp's Theory and Practice of Specialised Online Dictionaries

V Caruso


Fuertes-Olivera and Tarp's Theory and Practice of Specialised Online Dictionaries is a long-awaited volume, offering a systematic description of the tenets of function theory. The authors present this theoretical framework both as a guideline in order to accomplish different lexicographical tasks (i.e. from compiling dictionaries to assessing the lexicographical suitability of other theoretical models), and as a valuable methodological tool which can be used to detect the users' needs. The 'Functional approach' is thus considered to be an alternative method to the research on users' behaviour. However, not only the new ideas and the terminology used within this field of lexicographical research deserve attention, but also some issues related to the concept of specialised lexicography, which are briefly outlined by Fuertes-Olivera and Tarp in the book. Their definition of this sub-discipline stimulates further reflections on the epistemic status of the two branches of lexicography (general and specialised) as well as on the related concepts of general and cultural knowledge.

Keywords: Dictionary criticism, encyclopaedias, specialised knowledge, specialised lexicography, lexicographical theory, online dictionaries, proscription

Sleutelkwessies in Fuertes-Olivera en Tarp se Theory and Practice of Specialised Online Dictionaries

Daar is lank gewag vir Fuertes-Olivera en Tarp se Theory and Practice of Specialised Online Dictionaries — 'n boek wat 'n sistematiese beskrywing bied van die beginsels van die funksieteorie. Die skrywers bied hierdie teoretiese raamwerk sowel as 'n riglyn om verskillende leksikografiese take uit te voer (van die samestelling van woordeboeke tot by die beoordeling van die leksikografiese gepastheid van ander teoretiese modelle) as 'n waardevolle metodologiese instrument wat gebruik kan word om gebruikersbehoeftes vas te stel. Die funksionele benadering word dus beskou as 'n alternatiewe metode tot navorsing oor gebruikersgedrag. Dit is egter nie net die nuwe idees en terminologie wat in hierdie veld van die leksikografie gebruik word wat aandag verdien nie maar ook sekere kwessies verwant aan die begrip van vakleksikografie wat kortliks deur Fuertes-Olivera en Tarp in hierdie boek aangebied word. Hulle definisie van hierdie subdissipline stimuleer verdere nadenke oor die epistemiese status van die twee vertakkings van die leksikografie (algemene en gespesialiseerde) asook oor die verwante begrippe van algemene en kulturele kennis.

Sleutelwoorde: Aanlyn woordeboeke, ensiklopedieë, gespesialiseerde kennis, leksikografieteorie, proskripsie, vakleksikografie, woordeboekkritiek

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2224-0039
print ISSN: 1684-4904