The French version of these guidelines are available here.


Articles written in French are eligible for publication in Le Carrefour Congolais. But the journal also accepts articles written in the local Congolese language (Lingala, Tshiluba, Kikongo, Swahili) and in English.

Manuscript submission

All manuscripts are submitted to the editor, preferably in soft version by email to the email address below: julie.ndaya .
If necessary, a copy in hard copy can be deposited at the physical address:
Local 3. Faculty of Political and Administrative Social Sciences/UNIKIN

Le Carrefour Congolais does not accept articles that have already been published elsewhere. But when it is a subject relevant to the Congolese public and researchers, the article can be published in the "Read for you" section, on request made to the author.

Instructions for sending articles

After the call for contributions the author sends a manifestation of contribution. This is an abstract containing the title and a text of 300 words.

The complete article is sent in two files as follows:

2.1. A file will contain the following data:

-The title of the article

-The name of the author(s) and their institution of affiliation

-The biography of the author(s)

-A summary of the article in English or local language (max 100 words),

-Keywords (5-7 max)

2.2. The second file will contain the anonymous full text. That is to say that in the text there will be no information allowing the identification of the author(s).

In an accompanying letter, the e-mail addresses of all authors are sent with their agreement to publish them under an open access license .


Illustrations may be included in the text. Authors are responsible for claiming any rights. Add a caption at the bottom of the image: body 11, centered text.

The form

You are invited to check the spelling, syntax, and punctuation of your text. This increases the quality of your article and the chance of being published.



The copyright of the article remains the right of the author(s), who authorize Le carrefour congolais to publish the full article without restriction on the Internet under a free access license CC BY-SA 4.0.

For the publication of an article, the author will pay after acceptance USD 50.00 as the journal's survival fee.

After publication, the author may purchase a printed copy of the edition at the outlets of the journal.

Item Selection Mode

The article selection process is as follows:

Submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial board. He verifies whether the article conforms to the theme of the call for papers.

The full text is anonymous. It does not contain any information to identify the authors. Papers are double-blind reviewed by two or more peer reviewers assigned by the editorial board. The selected readers are specialists in the field with regard to the subject covered in the article. This measure helps to prevent plagiarism, since the specialist has a fairly broad knowledge of what is published.

The evaluation of the articles will be made in the light of the relevance and the relevance to the daily life of the Congolese, the academic quality of the article, its originality for the theme and the absence of plagiarism.

Readers' opinions are sent to the Editorial Board.

The evaluation criteria relate to the academic quality of the article, the relevance for the readers of the journal, the social relevance and the absence of plagiarism.

Based on the opinion issued by specialists in the field, the article can be accepted or refused by the editorial team.

It is also possible that the author is asked to review the article on the basis of the comments and suggestions made by the readers and in order to submit a new version.

For potentially publishable articles that need to be revised, the editorial board organizes meetings with the authors and specialists in specific fields. These meetings give authors the opportunity to discuss each other's articles. Observations and remarks made by peers and specialists will allow the author to submit an improved version.

The text is retained when there are favorable opinions from readers.

The editorial team reserves the right to make changes to the text for reasons of practicality (number of pages), readability or compliance with research standards. The final version is sent back to the author who will give his opinion.

Unpublishable texts are rejected and the author is informed.

Editorial guidelines


1. Document format

. Preferably in Microsoft Word

. Simple layout, in Times New Roman 12 points.

. Do not use more than one consecutive space. Use the tab for more space.

. Do not use more than one blank line between headings and paragraphs. Do not use blank lines between paragraphs.

. Do not number the pages, leave header and footer empty.



The Congolese crossroads uses a generic style for all contributions. You can help the layout when you use the styles offered by your word processor:

The 'standard' or 'default' style for the body of work in Times New Roman 12.

The Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. styles. or Heading 1, Heading 2, etc for the different levels of paragraphs and sub-paragraphs.

For footnotes and footnotes, avoid footnotes in titles and subtitles.
Use footnotes (preferred) or endnotes in Times New Roman 10 point.

For quotations: Short quotations can be put in the text between quotation marks.
Long quotes should be put in an indented 'quote' style, without quotes.
Foreign language quotations in italics, without quotation marks.


3. For the bibliography
The bibliography should be put at the end of the article in Times New Roman 10 points.

Bibliographic references In
the text, all references contain the name of the author followed by the date of publication.
The list of references at the end of the article is organized in alphabetical order by author's name (written in lowercase) and in chronological order for a given author.
All references in the bibliography must correspond to references cited in the text and vice versa. The titles of cited journals must be complete.


4. APA Standards:

References, citations and bibliography must be presented in the American Pschological Association (APA) models.

You can consult these standards in the Scribbr manual by Justine Debret:

The APA model is illustrated in the following examples:


Sadin, E. (2011). The society of anticipation . Uncultivated.

Journal article :

Barbot, J. (1999). Engagement in the media arena. AIDS associations. Networks. Communication-Technology-Society , 17(95), 155-196.

Web site:

Leterme, C. (2020, February 14). Everything you need to know about publishing a scientific article . Scribbr. Retrieved March 2, 2020 from


Platel, H. (2014, October 11). Neurosciences and music, how does music modify our brain? [Conference]. Science and music day , Le Diapason in Rennes.


Huijg, N. (2015). The determinants of Dutch demand for military expenditure [Master's thesis, University of Rotterdam]. .


Macron, E. [@EmmanuelMacron]. (2020, February 27). Remarkable mobilization of health personnel to deal with the coronavirus. THANKS. I will come back to your side [Tweet]. Twitter. s=20

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2666-6782
print ISSN: 2665-9875
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