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Linguistic strategies in media discourse analysis: Conceptual approach

Moumna Zakia Kerfis


This article provides a set of conceptual approaches to discourse analysis strategies Within the linguistic system that goes beyond the  concept of discourse analysis from the study of purely linguistic elements to the study of the cultural, social and political conditions in  which this discourse arose, and studies its structure based on ideology, communicative meaning, social and semiotic meaning, in  addition to sociolinguistic variation, ethnographic understanding, reporting processes, interaction with the audience and society through  the message produced by media texts and their role as a social mediator between the media and the receiving audience, the descriptive  and analytical approach was adopted to complete this desk study. The study concluded with a number of findings, the most important of  which are: Media discourse is an open text that is open to many strategies, the closest to a deep understanding of which is the language,  which is the basis and essence of the production of this discourse.   

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2716-8212
print ISSN: 2716-8093