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Aẓar deg tmaziγt d allal n usileγ n tayunin timaynutin

Mahdi Yahiaoui


Deg tmaziɣt, asileɣ n umawal ibedd ɣef sin n yikalayen igejdanen : asuddem d usuddes. Maca, mi ara nmuqqel ɣer wuṭṭun n tayunin i d- yettalɣen, ad d-negzu dakken yella lexṣaṣ deg tayunin n umawal imi addayen n usuddem drus i yellan, d ayen i ɣ-yettawin ad d-nerḍel  addayen d imaynuten seg tutlayin tiberraniyin. Deg umagrad-a, ad d-nessumer tarrayt d tamaynut n usnulfu n yinmawalen s usnerni n tergalt n uẓar. Tarrayt-a tella deg tutlayt, maca ur tettwassen ara deg unnar ussnan n amaziɣt. Ihi seg yinmawalen ara d-yalɣen, ad d- nessuddem deg-sen talɣiwin d timaynutin ara yilin deg taɣulin yemgaraden. Amagrad-a, ur yelli d asumer n yirman d wawalen, maca d  aglam n ukala n usileɣ n yinmawalen ara d-nesken akken ad tettwissen tarrayt-a.


English title: Root as a means of forming new lexical units in Tamzight

The formation of the lexicon in Tamazight is primarily based on two processes, namely derivation and composition. However, when we  make a small assessment of the number of units formed, we immediately realize that the deficiencies in terms of the lexicon are not filled  due to the lack of derivation bases, which leads us to resort to lexical borrowing. This article proposes a new method of creating  lexemes attested in everyday language but not known in the scientific domain. From these newly created lexemes, new forms and  especially new specialized units are formed that can be used in different domains. This article does not consist of creating new units, but  of describing a process that already exists in the language, the objective of which is to make known how this method works.          

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2716-8212
print ISSN: 2716-8093