Author fees

This journal charges fees to neither authors nor readers. It is Diamond Open Access.

Publisher Information

University of Adrar, Algeria.

Peer review

Langues & Cultures uses double-blind review, which means that author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

Article Reception To submit an article, authors must use the ASJP platform ( and receive a notification of receipt from the journal's editor-in-chief (accepted or denied, with reasons). Once accepted, the author will be able to track the progress of his submitted paper through the entire evaluation process.

Articles evaluation Articles submitted for evaluation are subjected to a double-blind review by members of the scientific committee.
- Each of them must provide an exhaustive expert document on ASJP, followed by a publication notice: either “publication accepted”, or “publication accepted but subject to the required corrections to be made”, or lastly “publications refused”.
- If both viewpoints are favorable, the article will be published.
- If both viewpoints express reservations, the author will modify his article and restart it in the same manner. After reception, the article is resubmitted to the same specialists (for final review).
- If both viewpoints are conflicting, one of the members of the scientific and reading committee must provide a third opinion; the majority opinion will be considered and used to decide the outcome of the article evaluation. Upon final notice of acceptance Before the publication of the accepted article, the author must complete a Copyright Agreement, which may be downloaded via the journal’s website

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes two issues in one volume per year, and sometimes special issues.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2716-8212
print ISSN: 2716-8093