This study examined the applicability and effectiveness in the use of code-mixing and eclecticism in the teaching and learning of basic and elementary Igbo for general purposes. A sample population of ninety three students was derived in the second semester of 2014/2015 academic session. A simple diagnostic test administered at the beginning of the course revealed a level of inability (22%) in oral skill in Igbo. Observations and interactions during the teaching process revealed the programme’s excessive dependence on grammatical and structural patterns. Hence, the students’ poor attitude towards Igbo and their unfamiliarity with the tenets of the current approaches to language teaching and learning, like, learner-centeredness.These were observed through their over-dependence on the teacher, insistence on handout materials and scepticism about personal active participation. Also revealed include the problems with large classes, lack of classroom space and inadequate coverage time. A seen written Igbo text was administered in an examination condition to elicit the data evaluating their reading comprehension ability. The result of their performance yielded approximately 85% success. This result has strong pedagogical implications for Igbo to be tailored towards current global L
2trends of communicative approaches to the teaching and learning of languages for general and specific purposes.
Keywords: code-switching, communicative, eclecticism, formalist, learner-centeredness