Author Guidelines
KISWAHILI ni jarida la kimataifa la taaluma ya Lugha, Isimu na Fasihi ya Kiswahili. Jukumu lake kuu ni kukusanya na kusambaza maarifa yanayohusu Lugha, Isimu na Fasihi ya Kiswahili yaliyokitwa katika utafiti mpevu.
Jarida huchapishwa mara moja kwa mwaka. Tunapokea makala yaliyoandikwa kwa Kiswahili na Kiingereza yakiwa yameambatana na ikisiri fupi inayoeleweka. Makala yapigwe chapa kwenye karatasi za A4, mistari ikitengwa kwa kipimo cha nafasi mbili. Upande mmoja tu wa katarasi utumiwe.
Mwandishi awasilishe kwa Mhariri nakala tatu ngumu za muswada wake pamoja na nakala moja laini inayotangamana na Word 97-2003 au Word 2007. Ukurasa wa kwanza wa makala uonyeshe jina la makala, jina kamili la mwandishi wa makala (ikiwa ni pamoja na wadhifa wake) na anwani yake.
Ukurasa wa pili uonyeshe jina la makala na ufupisho wa makala kwa maneno yasiyodizi 300.
Unapotaja marejeo katika matini, taja jina la mwisho la mwandishi likifuatiwa, katika mabano, na mwaka wa chapisho hilo na kurasa zilizorejelewa, k.m. Mwanza (1985:22). Kwenye orodha ya marejeo au bibliografia majina ya warejewa yapangwe kialfabeti, ukianza na jina la mwisho la mwandishi na kufuatia na mwaka wa kuchapishwa katika mabano (k.m. Massamba, D.P.B. (1982)……).
Tanbihi zote ziwekewe namba na zitumike pale tu inapobidi. Maelezo ya tanbihi yatolewe kwenye ukurasa wa peke yake kufuatia mwisho wa makala, yaani kabla ya kuorodhesha marejeo.
Makala yatatathminiwa na walau wasomaji wawili na yatarejeshwa kwa mwandishi pale tu ambapo gharama za usafirishaji zimelipwa. Waandishi ambao makala yao yatakubaliwa kuchapishwa watapatiwa nakala moja ya Jarida lenye makala yao pamoja na malopoo kumi ya makala.
Inapotokea kwamba kutokana na sababu zilizo nje ya uwezo wetu tukashindwa kutoa juzuu lolote la jarida hili katika mfululizo wake wa kawaida jitihada zitafanywa kuhakikisha kwamba linatolewa Toleo Maalumu mapema iwezekanavyo litakalozingatia makala yote yaliyokuwa yamekusudiwa kutolewa katika jarida hilo ambalo lilikuwa limechelewa kutolewa.
KISWAHILI is an interdisciplinary international journal devoted to the study of Kiswahili Language, Linguistics and Literature. Its main aim is to gather and disseminate under a single cover a wide variety of research and discussion of fundamental concern to all those scholars who have an interest in Kiswahili Language, Linguistics and Literature.
The Journal comes out once a year. We accept papers and articles of scholarly standard written in Kiswahili and English, with clear abstracts. Manuscripts should be typed, double spaced on A4 size paper. Only one side of the page should be used.
Three copies of the manuscript should be sent to the editor with a soft copy compatible with Word 97-2003 and Word 2007.
The first page of each article should bear the title of the paper, and the full name (including title/position, academic affiliation, etc.) and address of the author.
The second page should bear the title of the paper and an abstract of not more than 300 words.
When mentioning references in the text, cite only the last name of the author followed (in brackets) by the date of publication and page(s), e.g. Mwanza (1985: 22). For all references/bibliography the names should be in alphabetical order, beginning with the last name of the author followed, in brackets, by year of publication (e.g. Massamba, D.P.B. (1982)…)
Notes should be numbered and used only for substantive information. These should be separated from the text, and should appear just before the bibliography.
Manuscripts will be sent to at least two reviewers and will only be returned if accompanied with a prepaid, self-addressed envelope. Authors of full articles which are accepted for publication will receive a free copy of the journal and ten off prints of their articles.
We would like to inform our esteemed readers and authors of articles that in cases where, for reasons beyond our control we fail to produce any journal issues at the appropriate time, efforts will be made to make sure that a Special Issue be produced the soonest in which all previous articles designed for the delayed issue shall be published.