Surveys on vectors, livestock diseases and socio-economic issues were undertaken in June and August 2005 in Kiboko area, Makueni District of Kenya. It was deemed that the information generated would help to understand the farmersf awareness of the extent of tsetse and trypanosomosis and other diseases within and around Kiboko ranch. Over 500 head of cattle belonging to KARI and surrounding small scale farms were screened for parasites . tick-borne, trypanosomes, helminths and ticks. The farmers who presented their animals were interviewed to generate the socio-economic data. Biconical traps deployed were baited with acetone and 8.4.1.phenol sachets. A total of 21 tsetse flies (6 in June and 15 in August) were caught. Veterinary records from the area indicated the commonest diseases to be anaplasmosis, trypanosomosis and non-specific pneumonia in cattle. The overall trypanosome point prevalence in phase I and II were 3.9% and 0 respectively. On a four-point scale stratification the abundance of tick infestation in Kiboko was clean to low (Clean = 0; low . 20) with the overall tick infestation prevalence of 28.2%. Results on helminth-faecal egg count ranged from 0 . 4000 epgs with a mean 74.64. Skin diseases, trypanosomosis and tick-borne diseases (TBDs) were mentioned by the respondents as the most important livestock diseases in proportions of 61%, 50% and 36%, respectively. From this investigation, despite livestock playing a key role in the economy of farmers around Kiboko ranch, their knowledge of livestock diseases and their management was found to be low. In conclusion, trypanosomosis and TBDs as well as their vectors are still constraints to livestock production.