Published: 2025-03-11

Assessment of Shallow Drilling Geohazards for Safe Well Placement from Seismic Data in the Tano Basin, Offshore Ghana

Prosper Aduah Akaba, Raymond Dogbevia Eli, Solomon Senyo Robert Gidigasu, Kwame Sarkodie, Frederick Kofi Bempong, Cyril Ofori Kupualor, Jerry Selorm Greenfields-Dogbevia, Gordon Foli


Designing of Academic Library Spaces: A Survey of Selected Public University Libraries in Ghana

Vivian Nyante Seneadza, Edward Mensah Borteye, Musah Adams, Kwaku Agyen-Gyasi


Flattening the Hierarchy: A Solution to the Male Problem of Bullying

Larry Kofi Asiwome Afun , Anthony Kweku Foli Akwetea-Mensah, Zachery Annancy, Cal Senam Afun, Klenam Antoine François De-Souza


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3057-3629
print ISSN: 0855-0395