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Radiation-related eye diseases among welders of Suame ‘magazine’ in the Kumasi metropolis
and treatment. Two hundred and forty two welders, (51.1%) had worked for a period of over ten years. The chief ocular complaints found amongst the respondents were gritty sensation (65.1%) and excessive tearing (56.0%). The commonest radiation-related ocular diseases were pterygium (56.6%), photoconjunctivitis (22.6%) and cataract (5.1%) whereas in the control
group the commonest conditions were pterygium (6.2%), pinguecula (2.2%) and cataract (1.3%). There was a small number of retinopathies associated with radiation (4.0%). Most (60.0%) of the welders used electricity (arc welding) and the remaining (40.0%) used carbide (oxy-acetylene flame). A total of 308 ( 65.5%) welders and 76 (16.9%) non-welders (control group) had one or more ocular conditions. The prevalence of eye diseases among the welders and control group is
thus 65.5% and 16.9% respectively. In conclusion, it was seen that the ocular symptoms and ailments prevalent among the welders were most likely due to the radiations they are exposed to in their work environment.