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Computer Aided Model Development for Automatic Tool Wear Detection tn Machining Operations
A computer image processing system was used to analyze the image of tools wear. The images of tools were used as a case study. The cutting tools with the different shapes (High Speed Steel cutting tool and Parting-off tool) were taken with the use of a digital camera. The pre-processing operations on the images (taken on photographic cards) included scanning, in order to transfer onto a computer and convert them to digital images. Thresholding and segmentation were done in order to convert the altered background of the scanned images to a pure white background; the images were enhanced by flood filling. For the purpose of detecting the edges of the images after segmentation, the images were read and then saved as Portable Pixel Map (PPM). The edges of the images were then detected using an algorithm developed in FORTAN based on the principle of edge
detection algorithm. The functions relationship above is expressed mathematically and the particular image whose edge was to be detected after being saved as Portable Pixel Map (PPM) was read and processed through the use of edge detection oracle j model developed using JAVA language default package.
Keywords: Computer Aided, Model, Tool Wear, and Machining
Journal of Science & Technology (Ghana) Vol. 28 (3) 2008: pp. 48-57