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Optimal rice/colocasia cropping systems in the Ashanti, Eastern and Central regions within the semi-deciduous forest zone of Ghana.

A G Kassim
K Ohene-Yankyera
F T Oduro


This study is a follow-up survey to investigate the economic viability of the Rice/Colocasia cropping systems introduced by the Root and Tuber Improvement Project (RTIP)/Ministry of Food and Agriculture in the year 2000. It explores the possibility of improving the net earnings of farm families through appropriate farm plans. A Linear Programming model was developed to optimize net income from the Rice and Colocasia enterprises subject to land and labour constraints. The model selected the inter-cropping system as the optimal enterprise in relation to the resources available and allocated 1.2 ha for this cropping system out of the 3 ha available to the typical farm household. The maximum net income obtained from the inter-cropping system for the model farm was ¢4,454,726 ($543.26). There was a binding labour constraint for the first weeding of the farming activities with a shadow price of ¢14.65. Due to labour bottlenecks in certain times of the year, farmers paid unrealistic labour wages of up to ¢8,000 which resulted in low labour productivity in the study area. About 56% of the farmers were females with the younger generation forming the majority (58.9%).

Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana) Vol. 27 (2) 2007: pp. 51-61

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3057-3629
print ISSN: 0855-0395