A survey of the parasites of blue-billed malimbus, Malimbus nitens was carried out from January to December 1999 in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. A total of 182 specimens of the host bird were examined and 13 species of parasites were recovered. 58.3% were infected with 7 species of parasites. Concurrent infections of Columbicola sp; Phylopterus sp and Ornithornyssus bursa were very common. 4 specimens of the host had multiple infections of Leucocytozoon sp; Columbicola sp; Phylopterus sp; Ornithonyssus bursa and Cnemidocoptes sp. Cnemidocoptes had the highest (88.7 ± 15.3) mean intensity of infection while Prosthogonimus macrorchis had the least (2.0 ± 0.7). There were no significant differences in the prevalaneces of infections between the sexes (P>0.05) but parasite intensities were significantly different among the adult and sub-adults. Six of the 13 recorded parasites had higher prevalences during the dry season while only 2 of the recorded parasites had high prevalences during the rainy season, with seasonal prevalences of infection being statistically significant (P<0.05). Leucocytozoon sp; Ceratophyllus sp; Ornithonyssus bursa and Cnemidocoptes sp. Exhibited aggregate distribution.
Keywords: blue-billed Malimbe, parasites, prevalence, intensity, seasonality
Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 26(1) 2006: 32-38