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Non-book instructional materials usage in Ghanaian primary schools

NAA Opoku-Asare


This study adopted the qualitative research approach to identify, describe and explain the underlying issues pertaining to how Ghanaian primary school teachers use non-book instructional materials to achieve the curriculum objectives outlined in the lessons they teach and whether this is significantly affected by the nature and date of teacher training. The paper defines the type of materials teachers use; the frequency, pattern, mode and extent of use; and, their impact on pupil learning. The study involved observation of classroom activities and nearly 100 lessons in 11 subjects in 50 classrooms in six primary schools within the Kumasi metropolis.

Blackboards, flash cards, real objects, charts and rulers emerged as the most regularly used teaching materials in all the schools. The blackboard was found to be the most frequently and significantly used teaching resource in all subjects and class levels. The most significant and variety of materials are utilised in Mathematics. The study reveals that classroom use of instructional materials is significantly related to the period in which a teacher was trained, the class level at which they function, the subject they teach and, the age level and maturation of their pupils.

Journal of Science and Technology Vol.24(2) 2004: 106-115

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3057-3629
print ISSN: 0855-0395