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Integrating The Planning and Budgeting Processes of Central Agencies and District Assemblies Under Fiscal Decentralization in Ghana
A fundamental challenge of 'mount investment in the public sector in Ghana is the failure of the system of budget planning, especially expenditure allocations to be associated by spatial differentiation of the country’s economic growth. That it, the system does not represent optimal or the "best" distribution solving greater accountability and responsibility through effective decentralization to regions and districts. the practice of sectoral investment programme planning leaves no doubt that it is generally less sensitive to the need to spatially coordinate planning decisions, let alone giving power and resources to total authorities for our unrestricted use unless local people can influence the resource allocation system the opportunity to promote sustainable and balanced development is limited Planning is a key problem for resource allocation. this paper suggests the process of planning and budgeting that can be developed and implemented without departing significantly from that currently used by central agencies and the DAs, so that local people can influence resource allocation.