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Production of Building Material Inputs in Ghana: A Case Study of Sandcrete Block Manufacturers in Kumasi
In Ghana and almost all countries on the globe, sandcrete blocks constitute a major building material input in the construction industry. This is particularly the case in the urban areas. In Ghana sandcrete block manufacture for commercial purposes is primarily in the hands of the private sector. The industry is fraught with many problems, but against that background, there are prospects and opportunities. This paper examines the sandcrete block manufacturing industry in Kumasi outlining its problems and prospects. The problems range from difficulties in raw material acquisition, limited finance, through poor conditions of service for the workers to debilitating environmental degradation. The prospects include a favourable policy environment, international credit support, availability of appropriate educational and research institutions, availability of raw materials locally and rapid population increase and urbanisation which provide a market for the commodity. Sancrete block manufacture generates employment and income for the urban poor. In terms of action, the industry will require a union or association to draw official recognition to it for appropriate location, shared and adequate infrastructure, knowledge and experienced workers. Welfare services are 'to be given the needed attention. The environmental agencies are to ensure environmental improvement in areas already worked on and sound environmental practices on virgin resource grounds.