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Industrial Development Challenges for the Developing Countries

J. Ohene-Manu


Various factors have mitigated against industrial progress in developing countries, resulting in an in-creasing ridge between the Advanced North and the Less Developed South. Conventional economic fac. tars aside, the historical legacies of colonial rule including enhanced neo-colonial tendencies of the re-cent decades have become the antithesis of industrial advancement in the developing world

This paper has identified some of the constraining factors and the challenges they pose to the industrialization process in Developing Countries. The pa. per submits that a strategy of flexible but appropriate industrialization enshrined in nine and size dimensions is one of the greatest industrial challenges for the Developing Countries. Regional and global policy and institutional commitment are also considered essential for a successful industrialization.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3057-3629
print ISSN: 0855-0395