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Mango - a Potential Export Crop for Ghana

W.S. Abutiate


The introduction of mango into Africa by the European traders in the 16th century and into the Gold Coast, now Ghana during the lost century is recalled.  The role of the early European trading expeditions in introducing such cultivars as Rupee, Ceylon and Kensington and the conduct of agroeconomic studies on the crop on some agricultural experiment stations is acknowledged. The introduction of such newer fibreless cultivars as Haden, Kear and Palmer by the United States Aency for international development (USAID and crops Research institute (Ghana) is also noted.

Ghana’s traditional agricultural export structure is described and followed by the inception of the Ghana Export Promotion Council and as role in the institutional promotion of the export performance of mango during the past six years is provided.

The main constraints to production post-harvest handling product quality and transportation of the export crop have been identified and interventions to resolve them outlined

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3057-3629
print ISSN: 0855-0395