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Fasciite nodulaire de la cavite buccale
Patients and Methods: One patient with an oral nodular fasciitis and a review of literature are reported in order to describe the diagnostic and therapeutic management of this tumour.
Case presentation: A 50-year-old female with an intraorally swelling that had been growing progressively over one month. There was no history of trauma. Clinical examination revealed a firm mass palpable measuring approximately 4 cm in diameter. She had an excisional biopsy under local anaesthetic with histopathological analysis. The lesion was surgical
removed under general anaesthesia through an intraoral approach. One year after excision of the tumour, the oral cavity was free of tumour.
Conclusion: Nodular fasciitis is an entity characterized by rapid growth, rich cellularity and mitotic activity, although it is not malignant. It can only be diagnosed by histopathological examination of a biopsy with immunohistochemical staining.The treatment of choice is the complete surgical excision.
Keywords: Nodular fasciitis, Oral cavity, Surgical treatment.