Contributors to JSSD must adhere to the following requirements: Length: 5000 to 9000 words. Format: Times New Roman; size 12 and 1.5 spacing. Structure: Even though articles may have other subsections as may be thought necessary by the author(s), the following should be conspicuous: Introduction; Methodology; Findings; Discussion; Conclusions; and Recommendations. Tables, diagrams, figures and pictures should be in their appropriate places in the body of the article and attached, in their original format (e.g. jpeg), as separate files. Abstract: Articles must be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 150 words. Keywords: After the abstract, the author(s) should outline the keywords in the article, on whose basis it can be classified. Referencing: All citations must be referenced and contributors should adhere to the latest edition of the Harvard Referencing System. French abstract: contributors are encouraged to include a French language translation of the abstract of their manuscript. Submission: Manuscripts should be e-mailed to the editor at as word attachments. Contributors may note that, although reviews may be accepted, priority will be given to scientific papers that are original and discuss development from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2070-1748
print ISSN: 2070-1748