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May God Continue to Bless America: Religion and Politics in Post-9/11 America through the Lens of Buddhist Philosophy
after September 11, 2001 through the lens of Buddhist philosophy. The
concepts of interdependence and co-dependent origination are adopted as a
starting point from which to explore the “causes and conditions” of 9/11.
From this perspective, the root causes of the attack have not been removed.
A thorough understanding of these causal factors is crucial in order to
prevent further violence. Venturing beyond a warning about the potentially
dangerous interplay of religion and politics in post-9/11 America, the article
proposes a less explosive view of the event, its precursors and aftermath. This view is based upon Abe’s concepts of “kenotic God” and “dynamic Sunyata”, as well as Taylor’s “prophetic spirit”. This perspective, however, is only one amongst a multiplicity of possibilities, which should all be heard in order to achieve an in-depth understanding of religio-political interaction.