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Optimisation des portiques élastoplastiques : état limite des portiques élastoplastiques sous chargement répété mobile
ABSTRACT. This survey proposes the generalization of the notion of self state constraint of static origin for the closed contours and to first adaptation theorem "Bleich–Melan" for elastoplastic analysis of frames under a system of repeated mobile loads. The formulation adopted leads to the linear programming problem and necessitates the utilization of SIMPLEX method. The results of the survey are completing by a numerical application.
MOTS-CLÉS : Etat limite/portique élastoplastique, charge répétée mobile, auto–contrainte, contrainte résiduelle, programmation linéaire.
KEYWORDS: Ultimate state/elastoplastic frame, repeated mobile load, auto constraint, stresses residual, linear programming.
Journal des Sciences Pour l'Ingenieur No.4 2004 : 50-59