Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons
<p>The Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons is an academic journal that publishes original articles in a wide range of fields, including the field of human, social and cultural studies, serving the scientific heritage, as well as encouraging academic studies, comparative studies and working to achieve human and social dialogue, and encouraging research in the fields of science other. The Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons is a peer-reviewed, double-blind journal open to all authors, regardless of their methodology or intellectual background. The Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons has been granted national accreditation from the Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRST)<br /><br /><strong>Aims and Scope</strong><br />The<em> Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons</em> focuses on how to obtain research results through human studies and works to encourage research in them. Only enduring, cross-disciplinary humanities studies that can be generalized across different fields achieve results. The journal welcomes research papers related to the fields of humanities that improve the quality of research or that can be used to develop this field. The journal's articles explore changes in research that encourage the humanities to promote best practices within society. The journal provides an outlet for high-quality, double-blind, peer-reviewed studies. By doing so, the journal ensures that these studies reach a global audience of scholars and researchers who recognize the importance of research in this field as drivers that base their decisions on new ideas and results in this field. The journal was created under the auspices of the University of Laghouat, affiliated with the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. The journal publishes its content in the form of theoretical articles and multiple studies that use different methods, some practice-oriented, some teaching-oriented, and case studies of current trends in the humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes cutting-edge research on topics in the humanities and appeals to a wide range of readers. The editors welcome topic suggestions for special issues. Journal articles should explain contextual differences and highlight lessons learned for a wider audience. In short, it is an interdisciplinary journal in the field of humanities dedicated to developing research and theoretical and practical knowledge in several fields. JSKP is a peer-reviewed, double-blind journal open to all authors, regardless of their methodology and/or theoretical background. JSKP is published twice a year in June and December. Manuscripts are published mainly in Arabic, English, or French. The rationale for this journal is to provide a platform for scholars to publish their original research, review articles, and other scholarly work related to a specific field or topic. The journal aims to advance knowledge and understanding of the area by disseminating high-quality research findings and promoting academic discourse and collaboration. The journal will likely interest scholars internationally because it provides a forum for academics from different regions and backgrounds to exchange ideas and share their research findings. By publishing in this journal, scholars can reach a global audience and engage with other researchers who may have different perspectives and approaches. This can lead to new insights and collaborations that benefit the field and advance academic scholarship. Additionally, the journal may attract submissions from scholars who are interested in the specific topic or area of research that it covers, further contributing to its international appeal.</p> <p>You can see this journal's website <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> (Professor Abbas Hafsi) (Dr. Ben Arafa Abdel Majid)Fri, 01 Nov 2024 08:21:19 +0000OJS Field of Biography in the Ismaili Literature
<p>In our intervention, we will examine the historical value of Fatimid Ismaili biography writing. This study involves an exploration of two major biographies in Ismaili history. The first is "The Biography of Professor Abu Al Mansur Al-Judhari," and the second is "The Biography of Al-Hadjib Djaafar Ibn Ali and the Egress of Al Mahdi from Salamia to Sijilmassa, then Regadda," by Muhamed Ibn Muhamed Al-Yamani. To achieve our aim, we identified and clarified the significance of both biographies in historical writing and their timelines within the Moroccan geographical context, from their inception to the Fatimid era. Before analyzing their impact on history writing, we provided brief biographical details of the authors, based on our own sources and translations. This process led us to the conclusions presented in our research.</p>Maatougui Chahinez, Kaddour Tifouri
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Role of Physical Activity in Reducing Blood Pressure
<p>Although the benefits of physical activity and its positive effects on health are well-known, many scientific studies have confirmed the strong relationship between a lack of physical activity and the prevalence of health problems. These studies have examined the negative effects of inactivity and found a link between inactivity and numerous modern diseases. Furthermore, they emphasize the preventive and therapeutic roles that physical activity plays in addressing many chronic conditions. The aim of this study is to highlight the role of a lack of physical activity as a risk factor for high blood pressure. It concludes that regular physical activity plays an effective role in maintaining optimal blood pressure levels. The results of this field study underscore the importance of dynamic physical activity in preventing high blood pressure and its positive effects on various body systems, such as pulmonary, respiratory, circulatory, and muscular health. </p>Ghouini Aissa, Aggoun Houssine
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Spanish Agricultural Settlement in the Eastern Moroccan Rif (1912-1956)
<p>This article addresses an important aspect of Morocco's history during the foreign occupation. Agricultural settlement was central to the colonial project in the region, as the colonizer sought to occupy and exploit Morocco's resources by seizing local lands and distributing them to European settlers. This led to profound changes in the country's agricultural structures. The original landowners lost their holdings, which were not returned to them after independence but instead transferred to new owners, marking a significant shift in Morocco's economic and social history. To better understand this phenomenon, the article examines the case of the Kart Plain in the eastern Moroccan Rif, which serves as a model for Spanish agricultural settlement. The effects of this settlement are still visible today. </p>Mohamed Benali
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Training the university professor and improving his performance as a pedagogical companion for the student
<p>No Abstract</p>Kenza Mallemr
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Quelles ressources linguistiques pour l’enseignement / apprentissage du FLE ?
<p>Cette étude se veut véritablement être une contribution inscrite dans un contexte scrupuleusement didactique, d’où l’idée de l’enseignement – apprentissage du français comme langue étrangère dans un contexte algérien. Notre attention se vocalise principalement sur l’attitude de l’apprenant et ses acquis antérieurs en matière du FLE dans le cycle secondaire. Toutefois, il convient donc de préciser à partir d’une quelconque tâche langagière , soit l’expression écrite considérée comme aboutissement de tout apprentissage d’un point de vue didactique, l’exploitation de ses acquis suivant un thème dont la notion de consigne est déjà présente dans l’ensemble des éléments linguisticodidactique censée lui permettre de réorganiser sa pensée et lui conférer le sens<br>même d’une méthodologie comme fil conducteur à partir duquel , il peut passer aisément à l’acte, cela traduira doublement ses capacités d’acquisition et de compréhension de la notion linguistique mise en œuvre initialement à partir de l’approche textuelle. Dans ce sens, nous nous interrogeons sur le fait de croire que l’appropriation d’une telle notion linguistique ne peut plus aujourd’hui être enfermée dans sa formulation classique : linguistique et didactique des langues, en particulier le FLE dans un contexte algérien. Questionner les différents paramètres susceptibles de rendre l’accès aux connaissances en FLE un cas plausible, cela revient à nous interroger sur les connaissances de base de l’apprenant et les modalités qui vont lui permettre de réaliser une tâche ; soit une production langagière dont il convient de définir la stratégie engagée et les ressources linguistiques acquises comme levier principal d’une médiation , d’où l’idée de l’apport de la linguistique à l’enseignement du FLE et les orientations méthodologiques qui sous-tendent la compréhension du lexique relationnel comme preuve d’un usage que l’on peut jugé satisfaisant de l’entité FLE dans les milieux scolaires. </p>Mechri Bendaoud
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Pandemic of Electronic Terrorism and Children
<p>Electronic terrorism is one of the most dangerous types of terrorism in the present era due to the widespread use of modern technology worldwide, which makes it crucial to study its causes and ways to combat it. The term "cyberterrorism" became widely used following the information technology boom and the increased use of computers and the Internet for managing most life activities. Electronic security has become essential as our lives are closely linked to modern means of communication that facilitate interactions in various forms (audio, visual, written). Preserving personal privacy is now a significant challenge due to the threat posed by electronic terrorism. Many popular websites warn users of this danger, emphasizing the need for protective measures. </p>Wafa Qais Karim, Raja Hussein Abdel Amir, Zainab Riad Jabr
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Principle of Rotation of Power in the Algerian Political System: A Reading into the Legality of the Legislative Elections 1991
<p>The history of political parties in Algeria cannot be written as a simple extension of contemporary Algerian political thought. The experience of engaging in electoral competition only began in 1989, with the approval of the first legal constitution that allowed political associations to freely compete with one another. However, this experience was shaped by the demands, conditions, and needs of the ruling authority. The democratic shortfall in Algeria stems from the fact that the political scene was not built on a cultural foundation necessary for effective public participation. Instead, political pluralism was treated as a peripheral matter while real power remained concentrated at the center.</p>Ramli Makhlouf
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Didactic Image, Its Importance, Conditions and Controls for Its Use
<p>The integration of visual arts into the educational learning process contributes to enhancing scientific awareness and aligning with developments in educational philosophy and global education systems. Among the visual arts, the image plays a vital role in education by fostering learners' emotional, physical, psychological, cognitive, and mental development. Whether fixed or animated, images convey both denotative and connotative meanings, making abstract concepts easier to understand. This has led to the didactic image being recognized as a crucial pedagogical tool in teaching and learning, with its effectiveness depending on proper selection and usage. This article discusses the role of visual arts, particularly images, in the educational process, and their significance in improving language learning. The study aims to: Clarify the relationship between visual arts and education; Identify the requirements and conditions for using didactic images in teaching; Highlight the importance of images in advancing didactic research; Explore how images can enhance the teaching of the Arabic language. The descriptive-analytical approach was used to explore the topic. </p>Mohssine Fqihi
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Edgar Morin and the Importance of Interdisciplinary Studies
<p>This research aims to highlight the importance of interdisciplinarity from the perspective of Edgar Morin, by exposing the risks associated with the separation of academic disciplines. Using a descriptive analytical approach, the study identifies the benefits gained from the specificity and accuracy of scientific disciplines, such as the ability to control studied phenomena and the increased predictive power of those phenomena. However, the isolation of disciplines can lead to oversimplification, fragmentation, and the neglect of complex realities. Interdisciplinarity is, therefore, crucial as it offers a more comprehensive understanding of complex subjects, recognizing their multidimensionality. The study also emphasizes the role of interdisciplinary approaches in promoting dialogue between sciences, fostering openness, and removing barriers, both in scientific research and education. </p>Noureddine Chebbi
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Effect of Collins Application on the Creative Thinking of Basic Stage Students from the Teachers' Point of View
<p>This study aimed to explore the impact of the Collins application on the creative thinking skills of basic stage students from the perspective of public school teachers and to assess its pros and cons. A questionnaire consisting of 25 items was randomly distributed among 348 basic stage teachers in public schools in Jordan. The study revealed that the overall effectiveness of the Collins application was rated as average. The domain of fluency ranked first with a high rating, followed by organization, problem-solving, originality, and flexibility, all ranked with moderate degrees. The study found gender differences in favor of males, but no significant differences related to qualifications or experience. The teachers noted that Collins enhances students' research and creativity, and helps identify and nurture individual capabilities. However, they also highlighted the need for further review and development of the Collins curriculum by experts. The study recommended that the Jordanian Ministry of Education should emphasize creative thinking in students and incorporate it into the curriculum, and conduct similar studies across different educational stages. </p>Rasha Sami Khabour, Omar Sami Khabour, Rana Sami Khabour
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000Linguistic Problems in the Qur'anic Dialogue Statement: Examples from Surah Al-A'raf
<p>This article aims to explore the characteristics of the Qur'anic dialogical statement found in Surah Al-A'raf, highlighting it as one of the miraculous aspects of the Quran. Some interpreters have pointed out linguistic challenges in understanding the Qur'an, and this study attempts to trace rhetorical phenomena in the dialogues of the surah, analyzing them to uncover elements that enhance comprehension for the audience. A particular section is dedicated to addressing rhetorical and linguistic issues, focusing on how effective communication between interlocutors is achieved through the dialogical style. The study underscores the importance of understanding the Arabic language and its traditional modes of expression, as well as possessing a strong knowledge of the Qur'an and linguistic sciences, to fully grasp the nuances of the dialogues and avoid interpretive errors. </p>Nourddine Safir
Copyright (c) 2024, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000