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Navigating the Interoperability Landscape of Electronic Medical Record Systems in Developing Countries: A Narrative Literature Review
Electronic medical records (EMRs) have transformed healthcare by digitizing patient data, improving access to information, and reducing medical errors. However, the lack of interoperability between different EMR systems remains a significant challenge. This paper employs a narrative review approach to examine Electronic Medical Record systems in Developing countries with a focus on their interoperability capabilities as well as the opportunities and challenges they encounter. The findings indicate that developing countries have shown varying levels of success in implementing Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and ensuring interoperability. While some nations have made significant strides through national frameworks and standardized systems, others face challenges due to fragmented systems, inadequate policies, and limited infrastructure. To achieve full interoperability and improve healthcare outcomes, these countries need to develop and implement robust policies, adopt standards, invest in technology, and foster national coordination.