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An Analysis Study on the Effect of Increasing Carbon Dioxide Gas and Climate Change on Temperatures in Libya


Carbon dioxide CO2 has been increased in the atmosphere and therefore had a significant impact on
global warming on the world. Libya had the share of high temperatures in recent years reached 22.6 0C compared to about 20.9 0C in1980. It was noted the increase of carbon dioxide over Libya in the time series (1980-2019) has stepped from 338.8 PPM in 1980, to reach 409.6 PPM in 2019. In this study, a statistical analysis of the data to determine the type and strength of the relationship between the two variables, carbon dioxide (CO2 PPM) and temperature (0C), was performed. It showed that there is a percentage of the effect gas carbon dioxide on the temperature up to 32.6%, and the relationship between the variables is positive, and the correlation coefficient is 0.571. Through analysis of variance to test the significance of the quality of the model, there is a linear relationship between the two variables, and the value of t indicates that there is an effect of carbon dioxide on temperatures.