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Components and Costs of Commercial Weight Loss Programs in Ghana

Sandra Ayisi Addo
Matilda Steiner-Asiedu


Globally, commercial weight loss programs have played a significant role in helping obese/overweight individuals lose weight successfully. There is currently a dearth in knowledge about the types of commercial weight loss programs present in Ghana if any, and their various components. This study sought to identify existing commercial weight loss programs in Ghana and describe the components, and costs of these commercial weight loss programs. A qualitative cross-sectional study design was used to elicit information from key opinion formers of the identified commercial weight loss programs on program components and costs. Six commercial weight loss programs were found to be in active business. The possibility of increased numbers in the near future looks plausible. Programs had varying cost structure and a mix of lifestyle strategies (physical activity, reduced calorie diet and behavioural modification) giving consumers a wide range of program options to choose from based on financial strength and preferred weight loss approach. Weekly charges of these programs ranged from GHS 67.50 ($15) to GHS 396 ($90). At least one component each of behavioural and social support strategies which are important predictors of weight loss success were present in each of the programs. However, the success rates, efficacy, long term outcomes and safety of these programs remain to be investigated.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2821-9007
print ISSN: 2550-3421