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Constitutional Design in Nigeria: An Imperative for Eliminating Energy Poverty of Women

Hilary Okoeguale


Traditional gender roles and cultural expectations in Nigeria push women to the
front lines in the quest for energy but they remain sidelined at decision-making
arenas concerning energy transition initiatives. A closer look at the composition
of the policy-making and regulatory agencies of government in the energy sector
reveals that 14% are women and 86% men. As a corollary energy transition laws
and policies do not effectively reflect the energy needs of women in Nigeria.
Consequently, women are not adequately enabled by the government to access
clean-energy sources and are left with no option than to continue the
indiscriminate use of biomass thereby risking their lives. Accordingly, the aim of
realizing carbon-neutrality is increasingly difficult for Nigeria. An attempt to
force a constitutional amendment which was aimed at creating reserved seats for
women to increase representation of women in the National Assembly was
stillborn. This paper seeks to proffer a solution to the problem of women’s
under-representation in the energy transition dialogue and, ultimately, the
problem of poor access to clean-energy. Utilizing the doctrinal research
methodology, this paper examines available literature including the Nigerian,
Rwandan, and Zimbabwean Constitutions, and finds that a democratic
constitutional design process that is well managed and given enough time to seep
into the social, cultural and political life in Nigeria would lead to a more durable
and democratic constitution which guarantees equitable representation and
addresses the energy needs of women. The process adopted in Rwanda and
Zimbabwe provides insight into constitutional drafting and affirmative action for
women in governance.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2467-8392
print ISSN: 2467-8406