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Making a Case for (En)Gendering Energy Transition: Legal Basis and Levers for Change

Pedi Obani


Energy transition is a pressing global priority for a variety of environmental,
social and economic reasons. The current energy transition discourse is mainly
linked to addressing the climate change crisis which disproportionately affects
populations that are in vulnerable situations. Moreover, achieving energy
transition requires an inclusive approach that tackles the structural causes of
vulnerability. In connection with this, gender inequality is closely linked with
adverse climate change impacts, energy poverty, and other complex human
development challenges which need to be overcome for a just energy transition.
The UN 2030 agenda prioritises gender equality as a Sustainable Development
Goal (SDG) alongside other goals on climate action, energy security, etc.
Taking the issue of women’s vulnerability to climate change and related risks in
the energy transition process, this paper recognises women as crucial
stakeholders and agents of change for a just transition. Against this backdrop,
the paper interrogates the intersections between gender, climate change and
energy transition particularly focusing on the legal basis for advocating for
gender equality and its relevance in the international energy transition and
climate change governance framework. The paper explores the two key
approaches that have been adopted to integrate gender in climate action,
namely: reporting under the UNFCCC framework and strengthening women’s
leadership in climate change governance. In light of the prevailing gender gaps,
this paper proposes four levers of change to address gender vulnerability and
capacity gaps for a gender just energy transition through promoting worker’s
rights and safety; education; gender inclusiveness; and intersectionality,
particularly at the national and subnational levels.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2467-8392
print ISSN: 2467-8406