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Izzih-Ukelle Environmental Crisis and Implications for Sustainable Development

Kelechi Johnmary Ani


Since the inception of earth, there has been a consensus among scholars that
war and armed conflict of any kind often have major negative impact on the
people and society more than positive one. Wars especially over land have left
many nations and societies underdeveloped. Many national and societal
economies have been crippled as a result of wars and armed conflict thereby
leading to retardation of development of some communities, while increasing
the high level of poverty in the society. This article focuses on the conflict
between Cross River and Ebonyi States, which to a large extent affected
farming communities. This conflict is about contested land which the people
depended on for survival because most of the people are farmers. The
researcher used qualitative research method, where primary data were
collected from field interviews in the conflict affected terrain as well as
secondary materials to develop the content of the article. It found that the
armed conflict gave a heavy blow on the people. Consequently, the article
recommends that it is important to look at how this conflict negatively
impacted on food security in the country and pursue post conflict
peacebuilding. Politicians and other stakeholders should therefore try to stop
fanning the fuel of enmity within Ebonyi and Cross River State.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2467-8392
print ISSN: 2467-8406