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Policy Implementation and Good Governance for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Akinseye Olowu


Desirable sustainable development goals are implemented by policies.
However, right from its outset as a sovereign state, Nigeria has had a plethora
of remarkable policies. The essence of these policies has not been sufficient
for delivering good governance. In addition, there have been no major and
significant developments associated with the implementation of these policies
to date. This scenario rightly suggests that Nigeria's problem is not the
formulation of policies in itself, but a structural requirement for dynamic
change that has been lacking in the policy design, formulation, and
implementation. Hence, there is a lacuna in actualising sustainable
development through good governance in Nigeria. This article explores the
logical explanation for policy failure in Nigeria. The recurring decimal of the
lack of continuity in governance, corruption, lack of human capacity and
resources, lack of standard leadership, and political will to implement policy
effectively are irrationalities in policy implementation. This article argues that
until the policies in Nigeria are implemented effectively and taken to their
designed conclusion, there will be no sustainable and achievable development
and good governance in Nigeria. The study contributes to a framework that
integrates strategic alignment, continuous professional development, adaptive
management, and technological integration to enhance the effectiveness and
efficiency of the public sector in achieving sustainable governance and
development goals.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2467-8392
print ISSN: 2467-8406