The paper discusses the environmental challenges associated with solid waste disposal and management currently confronting the city of Masvingo in Zimbabwe. In addition to an extensive literature review, the study used the primary field survey method to gather data. A number of types and sources of solid waste in this city were identified. The study, conducted in 2008, identified several challenges associated with refuse collection, transportation and management in Masvingo. The paper notes that, in Zimbabwe, the challenges associated with solid waste management are not restricted to Masvingo, and states that for that reason, the issue should be addressed at national rather than local level. Solutions suggested include environmental education campaigns among members of the public. The need for technical and financial assistance through donor aid is also suggested. By way of conclusion, the paper posits that the country must mend its relations with Western countries and donors if the challenges associated with solid waste management in Masvingo and elsewhere in Zimbabwe, are to be successfully addressed.