This paper seeks to generate debate on the theme of factors that are critical in school feeding programmes for better results. The information used in developing the paper is derived from data that were collected from the evaluation of the CRS/Ghana Development Assistants Project (DAP Title II programme FY2004-08). The findings show that school feeding programmes have the potential to stimulate enrolment and retention of children, particularly the girl child, and to improve the academic outcomes of children depending on how the programme blends feeding with nutritional and other health needs of children on the one hand, and the nature of targeting mechanisms in order to reach deprived families and needy school children, on the other. The findings also show that the institutionalisation of structures for partner participation and capacity building enhances programme effectiveness. However, in order to sustain the benefits of improved enrolment and attendance, especially of the girl child, it is important to couple food support with investments in quality education, partner participation and motivation.