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Feb 5, 2025DOI:
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Main Article Content
Governance of Social Protection Programmes for Poverty Alleviation in Botswana
Constance Gunhidzirai
Morena J. Rankopo
This review article explores the governance of social protection programs (SPPs) in alleviating poverty in Botswana, using stakeholder theory as a framework. It highlights that the governance of SPPs is an under-researched aspect of Botswana's social policy. Utilising an exploratory case study design and document analysis, the study examines governance strategies and the effectiveness of SPPs in combatting poverty and inequality. Findings indicate that while vulnerable groups benefit from SPPs, wealth distribution remains unequal, marginalising certain communities. Key governance strategies include stakeholder engagement, public awareness, and monitoring from the Department of Social Development. Challenges such as inadequate coordination among various government structures and capacity limitations for social workers are noted. The study calls for increased government transparency in social protection measures to address structural inequalities and empower citizens, contributing valuable insights for improving SPPs in Botswana and other emerging economies.