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Feb 5, 2025DOI:
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Main Article Content
Voices of social workers on the barriers that women face in accessing substance use treatment services in Limpopo province, South Africa
Dzunisani E. Baloyi
Priscalia Khosa
The prevalence rate of substance use in women has escalated world over, yet, little is known about their access to available substance use treatment services. This study, through a feminist lens, examines the perspectives of social workers coordinating substance use programmes in South Africa’s Limpopo province on the barriers that women face in accessing substance use treatment services. We adopted a qualitative approach through an exploratory-descriptive research design and conducted semi-structured telephonic interviews with 20 social workers within the Department of Social Development. Data that were analysed through thematic content analysis shows that women encounter personal barriers, like lack of motivation to change and denial about the substance use problem, together with external obstacles such as the shortage of treatment facilities and limited government investment in substance use treatment. The authors then recommend that the government invest more financial resources in substance use treatment to address some of the barriers that women face when seeking treatment.