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Maladie de forestier chez un jeune adolescent au CHU Campus de Lomé, Togo

Mofou Belo
Kossivi Apetse
K Eric Grunitzky Damélan


Forestier’s disease is a non inflammatory esthesopathy that ossifying the anterolateral spine and sparing the disc and joint space in adults men. We report an early onset Forestier’s disease in a Togolese 20- year–old schoolboy. He was complained about proprioceptive ataxia, lower hearing and sight, and speech disturbance that began four years ago. X-ray showed an anterior weaving hyperostosis in spine, and multiple new growth of bones founded in skull, kneels and mandibles. Somatic and biological exam was normal.

Keywords: Forestier’s disease, skeletal hyperostosis, ataxia, Togo

J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2012, Série D, 14(2) : 59-62

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-354X
print ISSN: 1727-8651