The stillbirth is one of the reliable indicators of the quality of pregnant and obstetrical preventives cares. Our objective is to determine the rate of mortinatality and to identify the risk factors related to this still birth. Through a prospective registration of foetal death (as defined by WHO criteria) coupled with a case – control investigation, we specified the rate of mortinatality and the risk factors related to the stillbirth at Kara Teaching Hospital of January 1 to December 31, 2003. A comparison of investigated factors was supported by a test of Chi 2 (p< 0.05). On 1225 births, we recorded 111 still-born infants (out of 130 cases) occurring at 28th week of amenorrhoea (90.61‰), 76 deaths (68.47%) occurring after 36th week of amenorrhoea; the sex ratio has been 1.31. The maternal age of 35 years or more (18.02%), absence of schooling (54.05%), weak or non-existent income (76.58%), high parity (19.82%), inadequate antenatal care (25.23%), referred cases (63.06%), pathologic delivery (67.56%) and foetal diseases (21.62%) were significant factors associated with deaths. On the other hand, adverse pregnancy outcomes (25.23%) just as history of stillbirth (9.91%) or spontaneous abortion (10.81%) did not have significant effect on the stillbirth. Risk factors associated with a higher rate of mortinatality are the reflection of difficult socioeconomic, cultural and techniques conditions. They require a better perinatal care program and a reduction of disparities and inequalities in and between regions.
Keywords: Mortinatality, still-born infant, risk factors
J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2012, Série D, 14(2) : 21-25