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Apport de l’imagerie dans le diagnostic d’un adénome hypophysaire à manifestations ophtalmologiques chez un adolescent

KB SAA Nonon
KH Atobian
N Maneh
M Banla
D Redah
K Alaglo


The continuous tomodensitométrie to play a major role in the diagnosis of the affections intracrâniennes in the countries in development. We return the case of a teenager of 16 years, pupil, come to consult to the regional hospitable center of Sokodé for chronic céphalées and progressive and bilateral decrease of the vision. An adenoma hypophysaire has been evoked before the demonstrations clinics majoritairement ophtalmologiques. The diagnosis of a syndrome of mass hypophysaire has been confirmed by imagery tomodensitométrique. The magazine of the literature learns us that some conflicts exist nevertheless between the results anatomo-histopathologiques of the pieces of surgical exérèses, and the results of the imagery that it is in tomodensitométrie or in IRM. The introduction of the high resolution IRM permits to reduce this conflict, but it is necessary to keep that the experience and the manipulator's expertise remain stake.

Keywords: Adenoma hypophysaire, diagnose, tomodensitométrie, IRM

J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2012, Série D, 14(1) : 125-130