Yams are tuber crops largely consumed in Togo. In spite of their importance, the problems of plantation material are often raised during the renewal of the fields. To diversify yam seedlings production, the present study was carried out to specify the conditions of microtubers production using two local accessions belonging to the complex D. cayenensis-rotundata and D. alata. The results showed that BAP (0.5 mg/l) induced a high tuberization frequency in kratsi. For the both accessions kratsi and afassé, Kin (0,5mg/l) showed high microtuberization frequency. In addition, association of ANA/BAP (0.2-0.2 mg/l) and ANA/Kin (0.2-0.2 mg/l) also induced tuberization in the two accessions. These results would enable
us to produce microtubers which could be used later as yam seedlings.