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Regeneration in vitro de plants de 2 varietes locales de pois d'angole (cajanus cajan l. millsp) à partir de fragments de feuilles.
NAA supplemented alone induced 21% and 53% of callogenesis respectively in the early fructification variety and in the late fructification variety. Callogenesis rate rose to 57 and 89% for the 2 varieties when the MS medium was supplemented with 3mg/l NAA+0.5mg/l BAP. Multiple buds were regenerated from calli and the higher rate was obtained with 4mg/l BAP+0.1mg/l ANA for the early fructification variety and 5mg/l BAP+0.1mg/l ANA for the late fructification variety. Finally, studying vitroplantlets from the 2 varieties under various nutritional conditions showed that the late fructification variety grew much more than the late variety. This survey constituted a simplified model for callogenesis studies. It also allowed creation of the both varieties vitrobank for a sustainable conservation of C. cajan in Togo.