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Proprietes insecticides de l’huile essentielle d’Aeollanthus Pubescens benth. Sur les chenilles de deux lepidopteres: Selepa docilsi butler (noctuidae,/i>) et scrobipalpa ergassima mayr. (geleduidae).
were tested against Selepa docilis and Scrobipalpa ergassima larvae for its possible use as biopesticide in the protection of Solanum macrocarpon (gboma) . Chemical analysis GC and GC/MS of the oil revealed that D-fenchone (83.69%) was the major component of the tested essential oil.
Laboratory contact bioessay revealed a very strong toxicity of the various formulations. Survival times average of the larvae varied from 1.66 to 7.73 minutes for the larvae of Scrobipalpa ergasima and 1.53 to 5.04 minutes for the larvae of Selepa docilis. The in vitro efficacy was confirmed in the field by an effective phytoprotection, a good marketable quality of vegetables and high yields in biomass at the harvest.