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Insuffisance cardiaque de l’adulte dans les centres hospitaliers universitaires de Lome
In our country, the lack of information about heart failure had urged to this study in order to sum up our practice in the department.
Objective: The aim of our study was to determine the hospital frequency of adult’s heart failure and to evaluate its diagnostic management.
Method: It was a retrospective study carried out from 1st January to 31st March 2004 in the cardiological department of Tokoin and Campus Teaching Hospital of Lome in Togo.. It had concerned 104 records of inpatients. Epidemiological, physical examination, laboratory findings including chest roentgenogram, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram aspects were studied. Data were analysed with Epi Info 6.0 of CDC Atlanta database.
Results: Heart failure had been found in 11.8% of in-patients during the period of study. The mean age was 59.8 years with a bracket ranged from 28 to 87 years. There was a male predominance with malefemale
ratio of 1.48. Exertional dyspnea (75%), pulmonary rales (62.5%), edema (60.6%) were the main symptoms found. The rate of laboratory explorations achievement is very low due to the financial straits.
Cardiomyopathies (85.7%), valvular heart disease (68%) and arterial hypertension (59.6) were the most frequent causes.
Conclusion: Heart failure is a frequent disease in Lome. Effort may be done to better its management.