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Les differentes urgences cardio vasculaires et leur morbimortalite en milieu hospitalier. a propos de 733 cas colliges au Chu campus de Lome (hopital de reference national du Togo)
Our aim was to describe the epidemiology of these diseases in Togo. Through a retrospective analysis we study over a period of 42 mouths. From January first, 2001 to June 30th, 2004. It was carried out exclusively at CHU-Campus, the hospital of Lomé Campus, the second national medical center of reference. Included were all the patients with cardio-vascular emergency cases. We have studied the epidemiological aspects according to the age, sex, profession, morbidity, and mortality.
The treatment of results has been done by Computer. The registered emergency cases were 733 in all with is a frequency of the patients admitted at CHUCampus. The average age is 56 ± 13 years with extreme ages from 20 to 97 years. The age group most affected is between 30 and 69 years - The ratio according to the sex is 1.09 in favour of men. Housewives are the professional category most affected (42.3%). Constitute the essential of the cardiovascular emergency cases with a ratio of the 78.3%. The mortality is 17.1% which in most registered between 30 and 69 years. The morbidity ratio is 64.1%
We have to keep in mind that cardio-vascular emergency cases are very frequent in Togo. A very active population of young people is concerned. The poor are the most threatened. Henceforth the
establishment and equipment of cardiological units are absolutely necessary, for they constitute the only solution by which the level of morbi-mortality can be reduced.