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Les cardiopathies congenitales (cc) au Togo aspects epidemiologiques cliniques, diagnostiques et therapeutiques A propos de 141 cas colliges a terre des hommes “(TDH)”

F Damorou
K Matey
N Douti
E Goeh-Akue
A Djato
R Baragou
B Soussou
K Kessie


The congenital cardiopathies re frequent pathologies but their incidence is still badly known in developing countries. Contrary to the industrialised countries, this pathology still pose big problems of
diagnosis and treatment in our countries. In Togo, some children porters of CC have benefited the kindness of. “Terre des Hommes”. Our study has been done towards the evaluation of their take-over.
Objective: To study the epidemiology, their clinic, diagnosis and therapeutic aspects.

Materials and methods: It is about the retrospective study of 141 files of the children suffering from CC from January 1990 through December 2002 at TDH Lome. The treatment of the results has been done by computer.
Results: The CC have represented 14.13% of the pathologies taken over by the TDH. The sex ratio is of 1.13. The averages age of the parents is of 1.8+/ -5 years. The dyspnoea, the repeated cough and fortuity + ours souffle have constituted to the principal revelation sings. The systolic souffle (82.48%), the tachycardia (48.90%) and the polypnea (42.33%) have been the physical dominating sing. A
cardiomegalie have been observed in 89.31% of cases. The cardiac hypertrophy had been found in 87% of patients. Come on top of the CC, the CIV (27.11%) followed by PCA (20.18%). The petrology of the
Follot (16.96%) and the CIA (06.25%) 112 patients have been transferred to foreign countries of which 74.10% Suisse 107 CC have been operated. The evolution has been favourable in 89.18%. In Togo, the discovery of the CC has been done lately posing therefore a problem of therapeutic choice. The placing of a cardiovascular Surgical Unit will reduce mortality of the congenital cardiopathics.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-354X
print ISSN: 1727-8651